#InnovateIntogether / Antennae, the conference event organized by LeadingMyself, returns.

03/01/2018 | Digital



After the success of the first edition in 2017, Antennae, the conference-event organized by the inclusive leadership blog LeadingMyself, is back again this year.
The event is scheduled for Feb. 8 in Milan, with the prestigious Sala Bramante in Palazzo delle Stelline as a backdrop.


The second edition of Antennae will once again talk about innovation, with a special focus on the issues of collaboration as a tool for the development and dissemination of new knowledge. Underscoring the importance of the event's theme will be the official hashtag and payoff #innovatetogether.
And at Antennae 2018, collaboration will not only be talked about, but also put into practice.


Guests of LeadingMyself will in fact be representatives of several important associations, who will bring their experience in the field of women's role development and innovative leadership: Valentina Parenti, president of Valentina Communication and co-founder of GammaDonna, with Betta Maggio, CEO and founder of U-earth biotechnologies and winner of the GammaDonna 2017 award; Vania and Jessica Alessi, founder of Secretary.it, with Dolores Cristescu, Office Manager in Ayming Italy and 2017 Assistant of the Year; Daniela Ballarini president EwmdVerona and founder #VeronaRosaDigitale; Gianluca Ricci founder and president of Cuore Digitale; Sofia Petti and Antonia Verna for Hub Dot Italia; Lorenzo Olivieri and Diletta Marabini, cofounder of Incitement Italy; and Marco Bicocchi Pichi, president of Italia Startup.
Our special friends, the members of Talent Donna represented by co-founder Annalisa Quaranta.
Media partners of the event are two important Roman radio stations such as Radio Città Futura (radiocittàfutura.it) and Radio Colonna (radiocolonna.it).
This year's blog's chosen protagonists are: Chiara Venditti, Italy's youngest lawyer; Alessandro and Marco Florio, digital artisans of cleanliness with the startup iDROwash and creators of the Heroes of Clean contest; Letizia Davoli, TV2000 journalist, author and host of the program C'è Spazio; Gherardo Liguori, CEO and co-founder and Virginia Tosti, growth hacker and co-founder, of start2impact; the Duo Gemma, Gloria Fumi, flutist and Federico Frigerio, pianist and organist.
The speakers' table will feature Laura Donnini, CEO & publisher HarperCollins Italia, InTheBoardroom and ValoreD, and Daria Illy, CEO Mitaca. LeadingMyself Ambassador 2018, Mary Franzese, co-founder and CMO of Neuron Guard.
Guest speaker for the event, Eleonora Anna Giorgi, Fiamme Azzurre, Olympic athlete in London 2012 and Rio 2016 and graduate of Bocconi University in Milan.
The conference will be moderated by Giada Valdannini, Radio Città Futura journalist, and will also include the presence at the discussion table of the winner of the contest on the theme #innovareinsieme, launched in recent days by LeadingMyself(http://bit.ly/InnovareInsieme). During Antenne, the winner, chosen from the authors of the first ten selected posts, will be decreed.
The conference has obtained the prestigious Patronage of the European Commission and will see, among others, the presence of Dr. Daria Colombo, delegate for Gender Equality of the Municipality of Milan.


Antennae 2018 - #innovareinsieme
promoted by LeadingMyself.it.
Milan, February 8, 2018 - Sala Bramante at Palazzo delle Stelline
Accreditation at 9 a.m., conference 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Free participation subject to registration
Reservations on http://bit.ly/Antenne2018
Under the Patronage of the European Commission

Valentina Rota


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