Digital Marketing Podcast: 5 podcasts to listen to under the umbrella

04/08/2019 | Digital


Digital Marketing Podcast

We have chosen five podcasts (in English) dedicated to Digital Marketing that are really worth listening to.

The first Out Of Office emails have already arrived, a sign that it's time for everyone to recharge their batteries. What better time to start listening to a new podcast? Under an umbrella, in the mountains, on the road: your smartphone and a pair of headphones will be all you need.

Podcast: Garyvee Audio Experience

Author, entrepreneur and motivational speaker Gary Vaynerchuk owes his success to digital marketing. In his podcast he touches on A wide variety of topics: from entrepreneurship to content creation.

Listen to him for the right motivation and tips to turn your business around!

Podcast: The Science of Social Media

Science of Social Media is the Buffer team's podcast dedicated to the world of social media. Every Monday a collection of stories, insights, experiments and inspiration on social media through the most cutting-edge strategies of brands and influencers from all sectors.

Listen to him to get inspired and stay on top of new trends in Social Media!

Podcast: Marketing School

While the typical marketing podcast lasts 20 to 60+ minutes, Marketing School offers an innovative format ranging from 3 to 10 minutes. Neil Patel (the growth hacking guru) and Single Grain manage to get straight to the point by providing quick tips for growing and improving in a short time.

Listen to it if you are short on time and want to get the most out of it!

Podcast: Marketing Scoop

The SEMrush team's Marketing Scoop podcast was created with the goal of providing a constant update on the world of Search in as simple a format as possible to allow the audience to catch up on the latest digital marketing news.

From the second season onward, the podcast has broadened its horizons by covering news, trends, and in-depth discussions on SEO, advertising, content marketing, and successful case studies.

Listen to it if you are specifically interested in the world of Search!

Podcast: Everyone Hates Marketers

A show designed for those who are tired of marketing understood as a tool for manipulation. Each week Louis Grenier - Content Lead @Hotjar, interviews marketers who are not afraid to speak their minds.

Listen to it if you are curious about how you can get results by treating people the way you would like to be treated!

To learn more about these topics, attend Digital Innovation Days workshops. Find out about the program now!


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