Mirko Bruni


The Fool

Job Title



Chief Operating Officer of The Fool, Mirko Bruni combines experience with a passion for innovation. He helped found 40degrees and The Magician, and serves on their board of directors.


26/10/2023 | 12:05 - 12:35
Social media

iconWho are the podcast and True Crime lovers? Let's find out with Digital Intelligence

From a niche product for consumption by the general public, the crime genre, especially true crime, has undergone a definite evolution in recent years that has made it a hero product for major platforms. We are familiar with podcasters and storytellers, but who are their communities instead?
Let's take a closer look at them thanks to Audiense's technology and The Fool's experience: we will delve into their sociodemographic characteristics, but more importantly their interests, media diet and need, exploring the power of "Human Conn@ctions" in the digital age to be more proactive in reaching and activating a fast-growing target audience.

27/10/2023 | 09:45 - 10:10
Web & Content Marketing

Face to face with GenZ: deciphering the codes of the new digital age

What are GenZ's favorite brands and why? How do you communicate with this generation, with what tools, what formats, what languages, what codes?
The comprehensive survey conducted by GenS, the Generations Observatory, on a sample of more than 3,000 young people answers these and many other questions, telling how Generation Z perceives, interacts and reacts to brand narratives.
The survey is also the official launch of the Gens Observatory, which was created to provide crucial insights to marketing and communications professionals and the research world on how to interpret the generational communication landscape, not just that of Generation Z. The goal is to provide effective roadmaps for building branding and communication strategies that are resonant, relevant, and that solidify the relationship and build two-way interaction between brands and consumers.


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