9 SEO techniques to drive organic traffic

04/01/2019 | Digital


In today's rapidly changing world, SEO techniques can change quickly, and the worst part is that you may not even know it.

That is why it is necessary to stay on top and always informed in the world of SEO. Otherwise, you'll fall behind and see competitors grazing your SERPs.

In this article, we looked at the best SEO techniques to help you skyrocket and increase the number of monthly visitors from organic search.

But before we delve into the details of improving your web page ranking, let's take some time to test your current page ranking on search engine results. Access Key Rank Checker , a tool you can use to determine your page's ranking based on keyword research.

Higher rankings equals more organic traffic: people you can convert at a later stage and increase the overall ROI of your SEO strategy.

It sounds like a dream, right? But if you feel discouraged with the keyword check you just performed, don't panic. That's why we wrote this guide.

Improves user experience throughout the website

Just like any search engine, Google's job is to show the best results for a user's query first, and if we have a list of irrelevant, low-quality results, the user will be tempted to stop using it. No one wants to land on a spam website that takes a long time to load (even in the face of increasing mobile usage). This is also why Google rewards sites that have low bounce rates with higher rankings. The reasoning behind it is that if a user spends more time on a page, it is because they have found quality content within it. Remember that Google only wants strong quality content that it will reward by pushing it first in search engine pages (serp).

Here are some additional tips to reduce bounce rate:

Make your posts easy to read. This SEO technique has as a rule that the more people read your content, the lower the bounce rate therefore the higher your position in organic rankings.

Use Ecco bucket brigades that are words or phrases that persuade the reader to continue reading. An example might be things are like this, you may be wondering, isn't this the end of the story,... followed by the colon that invites explanation.

Write in the inverted pyramid style: use this seo technique in which first the most important information should be inserted then gradually the details and less interesting things.

Google constantly continues to emphasize the importance of site speed. In help it offers a tool that is PageSpeed Insights to help developers improve site performance. You should improve your site speed not only to increase Google rankings, but also to increase conversions. A user using a slow site is not tempted to return.

Optimize for voice search

More than 50% of searches through Google will be conducted by voice within the next year. Did you know. This will result in people heading to Google not typing their queries: they are using a voice-activated device to do the work for them. If you think this doesn't change for SEO you are wrong. In fact, voice searchers have different habits. One example: a text searcher might simply type in "dolphin diet." A voice-based search, however, is likely to be something longer, such as "what do dolphins eat?" The key difference is that voice search tends to be question-based.

Focus initially on topics and then on keywords

Don't just think about keywords but also focus on considering the context around them. You need to consider what users are looking for more than trying to identify the search query.

Take these factors into consideration and incorporate them into your SEO techniques:

know your audience and create your sketch: imagine building buyer personas that describe the traits of your ideal customers. That way you can focus on the topics that matter to your readers, reducing the chance of creating content that doesn't actually get results.

organizes content into clusters: this system works by dividing the topics of the editorial plan into a pillar page, which will be the pillar topic consisting of more than 2,000 words that offers a broad view on a topic. Clusters, on the other hand, are the smaller pages linked to the cluster page, which push sections into more detail.

keywords: there are several tools that can help you find topics and keyword volume data. Our suggestion is to use SEMRush, a great tool that allows you to identify and analyze keywords used by competitors.

Longer content equals higher ranking

The longer the content is, the higher the probability of its ranking at the top of SERPs. However, remember that it is a long and difficult process, and most of the time, not all users are likely to read such long content. Also remember that existing content already has authority and an established audience. So rather than writing something completely from scratch, it is much easier to find a post that is already doing well on Google, update it with updated information and extra content, and rely on existing signals to get it ranked.

Remember the importance of YouTube

According to analyses, YouTube videos rank much more frequently in the top 10 than videos that are independently hosted or hosted on other video platforms. Just like Google's spiders, YouTube's algorithm works by picking up information about your video. The filename, the title, the description of the uploaded content-all these elements influence rankings in YouTube search. For the title issue you need to make the title SEO friendly with more than 5 words and include a target keyword. Also aim for longer videos: just as with content, longer videos tend to do better in YouTube search.

Build a Backlinks Structure

According to Google , links are still the number one factor when it comes to determining search rank. Links that are obtained through high-quality content , outreach and influencer marketing are safe and extremely effective. Diversify your backlink profile so that you have high quality and medium quality links. For every amazing link you build, create five more medium-quality links.

Technical optimization

SEO tips and content aside, it is absolutely essential to have a solid website without worrying about any technical problems that may arise. How?

switch to https: This is the most commonly used and most secure version of the old HTTP web protocol. HTTPS is a best practice that will help your Web site boost its SEO presence, stay secure, and make it harder for malicious parties to intrude and take advantage of your Web site.

Enable AMP ( Accelerated Mobile Pages) for Mobile Devices: involves gathering information from Web site pages and displaying it in an easy-to-view format for mobile devices.

Utilizza i markup semantici che sono essenzialmente tag HTML che possono aiutare a enfatizzare le informazioni chiave sul tuo sito web. Questi infatti, indicano agli spider di Google di cosa tratta la pagina senza dover digerire ogni parola sulla pagina. Il testo racchiuso in un tag <h1> è il titolo principale della pagina e dovrebbe fornire una breve spiegazione dell’intero contenuto condiviso su quella pagina. Il testo racchiuso in un tag <h2> è sottotitoli e così via.

Fixing the 404 "page not found": keep users coming back by using an SEO plug-in like Redirection to redirect broken link URLs to fully functioning pages.

The importance of local listings

More than 46 percent of all searches made on Google come from people looking for local information. Generally these searches include local stores, opening hours, phone numbers and addresses. Problems arise, when aggregators collect out-of-date data, leading a search engine like Google or Bing to list the wrong information, such as an old address for your business or a disconnected phone number. That's why it's critical to ensure that your physical contact information is as current as possible on every online directory you've created.

Know how to measure SEO performance

Reporting and analytics are two fundamental elements of SEO-both are essential to improving your overall marketing strategies. One tool to use for this type of analysis is Google Data Studio, which aggregates rankings, traffic and conversion data in a single interface. It is an excellent tool for SEO agencies to share fancy reports with their clients.

The SEO metrics you can track with Datastudio can help you determine the effectiveness of your SEO strategy and assess whether you need to rotate or change tactics to improve results.


SEO is changing rapidly from one year to the next. We talked about the best seo techniques in this article. In general though, remember to focus on solid content creation and copywriting concepts, deeply engage your audience, and keep up to date with technical trends such as backlinks, SEO health, and site speed.


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