Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions aboutevent access and ticketing
but for any other info, contact us!

How do I get involved in Digital Innovation Days?

There are two ways to participate in Digital Innovation Days.

  1. LIVE: buy your ticket online and attend the in-person event
  2. ONLINE: Attend the event through DIDAYSLab , our interactive platform in which all speeches and panels will be played live during all days of the event. Not only will you be able to follow the event and listen to all the talks but you will also be able to network with everyone at the event including speakers, participants and sponsors.
What is the location of the event? What time does it start? What time does it end?

The live event will be held at the location of TAG Calabiana of Milan, in Via Arcivescovo Calabiana, 6, 20139, Milan

The event will be held on October 25, 26, 27, 2023. The event can be accessed from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.

If I have a promo code, how can I apply it to my shopping?

Promo codes can be applied to your shopping cart at the time of shopping checkout. Under "DISCOUNT CODE" you will be able to enter your code.

How do you access the live event?

A few days before the event, DIDAYS will send you all the necessary information. On the day itself, however, you will need to show up with your printed ticket.

How do you participate in the 'online event?

After purchasing your ticket, you will receive a confirmation email with both the ticket to access the live event and the credentials to access DIDAYSLab, our interactive platform on which you will be able to see all the talks live during the event. Don't worry! If you are unable to watch them live they will all be available on-demand always on DIDAYSLab. 

You should know that once you purchase a ticket to attend the event you will also automatically have access to the platform, which throughout the year offers many other services such as workshops and networking with other companies. 

What should I do if I do not receive the email confirming my ticket purchase?

If you do not receive the ticket confirmation email try checking your spam folder. If you do not solve the problem contact us at the email: support@digitalinnovationdays.com

During and after the event, can I post and share content on social media and other user channels?

Of course! Feel free* to share and post personal photos and videos regarding the event on as many channels as you like. On social, remember to tag @didaysit

Can I change or cancel my ticket order once I have made my purchase?

No, once purchased, the ticket will not be refundable. Please note that the event will be usable both live and online, so in case you are unable to attend live, we will still be 24h live streaming on DIDAYSLab.


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