Connections for a sustainable world

31/08/2023 | Sustainability


The focus of this new edition of the Digital Innovation Days there is an incredibly powerful word: this word is Connections - Human Conn@ction.

Perhaps the greatest legacy of the pandemic is precisely that it has shown how interconnected we all are in this globalized world. Covid has highlighted the interdependence among nations, peoples and individuals, revealing how an event in a remote corner of the planet can have significant impacts on the rest of the world. But above all, Covid has reinforced awareness of the interconnectedness of human health, the environment, the economy, technology and social equity.

It is precisely interdependence and connections that we will talk about in the sustainability vertical, which I have the pleasure of coordinating and moderating again this year, but from two perspectives.

The first is underlying, the leitmotif of the past five years of Digital Innovation Day, which is the connection between technological innovation and social innovation.

Innovation has always been the engine of human progress, both technologically and socially. In recent decades, technological advancement has had a significant impact on our society, but social innovation has often been neglected. Increasingly, however, we are realizing that the two forms of innovation are closely interconnected and can contribute synergistically to improving the living conditions of all individuals. Technological and social innovation are two sides of the same coin: while emerging technologies open up new opportunities, social innovation reminds us of the importance of a people-centered approach and positive impact on society.

The second connection we will recount is that between 5 P's.

People, Planet, Profit, Peace and Partnership represent a model, not only conceptual, that aims to balance the economic, social, and environmental aspects of our actions for a truly sustainable future; but also a holistic approach that reflects the need to balance social, environmental, and economic needs while promoting peace and encouraging collaboration among all actors in society.

(People). Social sustainability aims to create an inclusive and just society where all people have equal opportunities to grow and prosper. This includes promoting equality, respect for human rights, improved working conditions and access to basic services such as education and health care.

(Planet). Environmental sustainability is about protecting and preserving the natural environment. Responsible use of natural resources, reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, promoting renewable energy, and adopting sustainable agricultural practices are all key to preserving biodiversity and mitigating climate change. Above all, environmental sustainability aims to ensure that future generations can enjoy a healthy and prosperous planet.

(Profit). Economic sustainability is essential to ensure the long-term stability and growth of organizations. However, profit must be made ethically and responsibly, taking into account the social and environmental impacts of business activities. Companies can adopt sustainable business models by considering stakeholders, not just shareholders, and incorporating ethics and social responsibility into their strategy.

(Peace). A just society is one that focuses on promoting a world free of conflict and violence. Armed conflicts and social tensions can have devastating impacts on the environment and economic prosperity, hindering the growth and well-being of communities. Peace is an essential prerequisite for promoting sustainable development.

(Partnership). All this involves collaboration between governments, nongovernmental organizations, the private sector and civil society. No single actor can tackle the complex global challenges related to sustainability alone. Cooperation and the creation of strategic alliances are key to achieving common goals, exchanging knowledge, resources and expertise, and addressing problems such as poverty, food insecurity, climate change and social inequality.

Sustainability is a universal goal that requires everyone's involvement and commitment, and only with a joint effort can we build an equitable, ecologically balanced and economically prosperous world. Sustainability is a collective journey that requires contributions from each and every one of us.

Join us! Join Digital Innovation Days on this wonderful journey.

Credit Francesca Petrella, Communication and Media Relations Manager @Ipsos I Content Curator @DIDAYS


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