DIDAYSHub: a HUB for 360-degree digital transformation

21/03/2023 | Digital


In recent years, the world is witnessing an unprecedented digital transformation in whichinnovation, digital and sustainability are becoming increasingly important.

In this context, DIDAYSHub was born, the larger DIDAYS project where DIDAYSLab, DIDAYSWay and of course the2023 edition of Digital Innovation Days converge.
A HUB where the best strategies of entrepreneurship, innovation, digital marketing and sustainability and new technologies for personal and professional training converge.

In 2020, Digital Innovation Days becomes a fully digital project with the involvement of universities, institutions and the national business community.

From Digital Innovation Days as a fully digital event, from 2023 the project expands and continues throughout the year,DIDAYSHub becomes the point of reference for all those who wish to learn more about digital transformation and sustainability, through thephysical event Digital Innovation Days, thanks DIDAYSLab with workshops and trainings but also with specialized consulting for digital projects with a unique approach - DIDAYSWay.

DIDAYSHub is an ecosystem within which its community - the didders, an integral part of a continuous exchange and sharing of qualitative flow of information and professional relationships - is gathered.

Digital Innovation Days = DIDAYS 3rd

DIDAYS becomes a brand synonymous with innovation, expertise, know-how but also with a network composed of marketers and digital professionals guaranteeing quality and value transformed into actions and projects.


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