Agostino Russo


Brico io Spa

Job Title

Information Systems Manager


I have over 15 years of experience in the Information Technology industry as an Information Systems Manager. I deal with the design, implementation, development and security of the company's information flow and the technological tools to manage it. As Information Systems Manager at Brico io Spa , I followed digital transformation projects, implementing technological solutions that played a crucial role in the optimization of business processes


27/10/2023 | 16:30 - 17:00

Corporate Session: From AI to Data Analytics. The BRICO IO Case.

The retail industry is undergoing a significant transformation through the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics. These technologies are revolutionizing the understanding of consumer behavior, enabling retailers to personalize offers, optimize supply chains, improve operational efficiency and adopt predictive models. AI is being used to automate business processes, optimize inventory and create smarter shopping experiences. For example, chatbots and virtual assistants improve customer service, while machine learning helps predict product demand more accurately. With big data analytics, Retailers can collect and analyze vast amounts of consumer data. This allows them to personalize offers, improve inventory management and create more engaging shopping experiences. Data analytics can reveal trends and buying patterns that drive strategic decisions. The combination of artificial intelligence and big data offers Retailers the opportunity to optimize marketing, increase operational efficiency and improve the overall customer experience. However, it is critical to address challenges related to data security and customer privacy by ensuring responsible management of collected information. In the session on innovation and technologies in retail, the applications of AI and big data analytics in the industry will be explored, highlighting how these technologies are revolutionizing business strategies and the consumer experience.


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