Anna Forciniti


Evidentia SB Ltd.

Job Title

Impact-based Innovation & Sustainability Maker. Founder


For more than 25 years, I have loved building bridges: between people and organizations, between business numbers and the demands of civil society. Economist, Social Impact Evaluator, Executive coach, facilitator of innovation processes. I founded Evidentia, a consulting firm that aims to help people and organizations unleash creative potential and activate practices that generate positive social impact. I am a speaker and lecturer on international panels and university master's degrees.


25/10/2023 | 11:00 - 11:15
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

"I am vast, I contain multitudes" (Walt Whitman).

"I am vast, I contain multitudes," writes W. Whitman. How many colors does each person contain? How many and what talents? We are vital and transforming beings, unique and constantly blooming.
A ferment that happens only when we open ourselves to other intelligences, other perspectives, other abilities, other looks, other ways of being in the world. Encountering those who are different from us makes the multitude of resources and talents within us flourish. And vice versa.
The word Inclusion thus takes on a new flavor. It comes out of the perspective of integration and enters the paradigm of opportunity for all and mutual benefit.


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