Cristina Sivieri Tagliabue


The Turn

Job Title

Responsible Director


A journalist with a startupper's nature, she has helped start associations and businesses inspired by the theme of gender equality, sustainability and active citizenship. In her books and investigative documentaries, she has explored generational tensions and the frontiers of cultural professionalism. Since having a baby, she has been writing civic education-themed novels, such as Missione Democrazia and Missione Parità (Garzanti Editore).


25/10/2023 | 12:05 - 12:25
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Information and Inclusion: transforming to transform

The world of information plays a crucial role in creating imaginaries, transforming culture, and giving meaning to words. How far is there still to go in Italy to break out of narratives of stereotypical visions?


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