Filippo Miti



Job Title

Customer Success Manager


Many years of experience in consulting projects as a Data Scientist and as a Project Manager, on different sectors including Banking, Logistics and Healthcare, for one year now I have been supporting Ammagamma's sales force in technical pre-sales and curating the quality of the solutions developed, ensuring customer satisfaction


26/10/2023 | 10:00 - 10:40
Emerging Tech

iconDigital Healthcare - Technologies to improve the healthcare experience of the future

The national health care system is undergoing a time of transformation in which there are numerous challenges to be faced, citing just a few we can highlight long waiting lists, therapeutic adequacy, medical-legal disputes, physician shortage, a fragmented and complex service.
Instead, the healthcare of the future we envision as a new health experience, where the person is at the center, and with a system that thanks to new technologies becomes accessible, efficient, simple and personalized.
More and more in the future, people will be able to have doctors available via chat and video, check their vitals with a simple selfie, benefit from advanced diagnostic capabilities enhanced by systems with artificial intelligence, and much more. Leveraging these trends, today several global multinationals and innovative startups are reshaping the future of health for millions of people. Is Italy ready?


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