Ilaria Balena



Job Title

Marketing Manager Southern Europe


With a degree in Statistics and Economics, I have built my career working in communication agencies with a strong focus on data analysis and communication strategy development. At Beiersdorf for more than twelve years, I have had the opportunity to increase my knowledge by expanding the area of work, which to date includes all on and off communication, events, Pr, sustainability, consumer contact and data analysis.


26/10/2023 | 10:50 - 11:10
Social media

iconLabello-Mania: When everything changes thanks to TikTok

Did it seem all of a sudden, that all everyone was doing was talking about Labello? Did you ask yourself why? The answer is simple: TikTok.

It all started in October 2022, when creator Alessia Morelli shared a video on TikTok about some Labello lip balms, eventually going viral. This video, to date, has accumulated 2.8 million organic views, about 35,000 saves, and an impressive 11 percent organic engagement rate. Breathtaking numbers!

This, along with other content posted by the creator herself on Labello, led to Labello products becoming unobtainable and among the most desired by GenZ. In fact, for some time, finding some variants of the product in supermarkets had become a real challenge.

Labello Italia immediately understood the enormous potential of this platform and entrusted COSMIC with the opening and management of the Italian channel, with the goal of making the brand's relaunch legendary.

Join us in this workshop to discover the secrets of one of the most significant success stories in Italy over the past year. Learn how Labello Italia is making a difference on TikTok and how you can apply these same strategies to your brand to reach unimaginable heights.


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