Isabella Borrelli


I am freelance

Job Title

strategist & advocate


Isabella Borrelli (they/the) is a strategist specializingə in language and transfeminist advocate. She writes for the national newspaper Domani about lgbtqia+ rights. Her publications include "Di naturale non ho nulla" for Ultraqueer, Tlon editions. In 2019 she is inclusə by Ladynomics in the list of 140 Italian feminists, for Startup Italia she is one of the 1000 women* who are changing Italy. In 2023 she wins the Rainbow Awards for her work in communication.


25/10/2023 | 11:40 - 12:05
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The generativity of words

Language constructs our thoughts and guides our actions. Naming a problem with the right words is the first step to solving it.


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