We Brand Ambassadors: astronauts of tomorrow

21/09/2020 | Digital


The Digital Innovation Days is less and less to go, the date is set for Oct. 29, 30 and 31, and this year the team of brand ambassadors is making a difference. Let's get to know them better.

I am Marilia Tavares, Brand Ambassadors of DIDAYS20. I am 23 years old, live in Turin, Italy and attend SAA-School of Management. On behalf of the event, I am excited to introduce some of my colleagues from this amazing team.

They are students, proof that young people have drive; they perfectly embody the soul of the kermesse: resourceful, ready to start again and ambitious. I particularly care about this interview since, as a college student, I often meet colleagues who lack the fire that these four guys have; talking with them motivated me even more to give 100 percent, and I hope that by the end of the article you will feel the same charge that I felt writing their stories.

Their word...

Julian Fiore

"If you can't do big things, do small things in a big way."

Because only those who think they can accomplish something are already one step closer to the goal. This is how Giuliano, a student at IULM from the degree program dedicated to communication, media and advertising, introduces himself. Despite being a student, he already presents an impressive resume.

Eleonora Bracaglia

"Determination, perseverance and a lot of willpower are essential to accomplish anything."

She is our second Brand Ambassador, a charge of energy and a lot of determination. Eleonora, like Giuliano, is a student at IULM, works as a freelance Journalist at Il Graffio online and maintains her Instagram profile to perfection.

Alessandro Colonna

"Don't wait for the opportunity. Create it."

Alessandro is studying in Rome. He is enrolled at Sapienza University, Marketing and Communication course; and already has an impressive resume. Besides studying full-time, he follows several projects: he is Co-Founder and Social Media Manager at 9Seconds, Marketing Specialist at Damage Srl and now Brand Ambassador of Didays.

Laura Zucchiatti

"If you have a goal, launch yourself and achieve it. Otherwise you already lose at the start."

Laura's chosen motto reflects her all-around; she too is not afraid to set a goal and pursue it with determination. Laura is studying Public Relations at the University of Udine and has already attended several internships. She is also currently a Social Ambassador for an important marketing event to be held in March.

Why do you think people should participate in Didays 2020?

Alexander: "I think for those who study, it is very important to be present at Digital Innovation Days, as it is like going from astronomer to astronaut. The astronomer is the one who studies theory, but only the astronaut is able to travel and touch the moon.

Didays, are the perfect opportunity to really learn about the world of innovation and marketing. No teaching will ever be as effective as this experience."

Eleonora: "From my point of view, it is an excellent investment for the future, especially for those who have a project in mind. The Digital Innovation Days are able to give a comprehensive view on the world of digital, which today, as never before, represents the everyday in our lives. Didays welcome real innovation professionals who will tell their experiences with quality."

Julian: "The Didays have been able to create a perfect product for both professionals and amateurs. We will find interesting case histories and hear concrete experiences that are the added value to the event.

Laura: "I am convinced that participating in the Didays is crucial, as it will allow us to hear practical advice and take note of effective strategies. One will be able to, learn from the best human capital in marketing and communication. Another added value is definitely the fact that this year's edition will be online, you will be able to follow along in smart working.

  • This year we have several thematic rooms: from Fashion Tech, to Sustainability, along with Start-up and Digital Training. Each one, with leading speakers in their field. What topic are you most passionate about and why?

Laura: "I am passionate about digital education and influencer marketing, in that, they are topics that I also study on a practical level. In particular, I am attracted to sustainability, a current issue that unfortunately is not very felt in our country."

Alexander: "All stimulating topics and the ones that strike me the most, are: sustainability, web marketing and social media management. As of today, the university, is able to give a lot of basics, but, by participating in the Didays you can get a fresh view. The 11 vertical rooms will have changing themes with continuous updates."

Eleonora: "The ones that interest me the most are: influencers, social media and sustainability. I think they are very topical issues and especially with compelling mechanisms, which gather a large share of the market."

Julian: "Starting from personal experience, the areas I consider most important are: web marketing, social media and influencers. These are topics that have developed extensively in the last 5 years, with significant changes. The focus on influencers is no longer the number of followers, but the engagement they can get."

  • Six Digital Innovation Days Ambassadors - "From Lockdown to Restart." We've all had to reinvent ourselves, each in a different way. What was it like to restart?

Alexander: "The beginning of the lockdown was difficult for everyone, adapting to new habits challenged us, but past the initial period it was easier to update commitments. A bit like Didays20 who did not stop before the problem but found a solution: creating an entirely online edition."

Eleonora: "My lockdown, unfortunately, started with a transfer. It was not an easy period, consequently I had to reinvent myself in different ways. As for the university part, it was particularly difficult as I found myself unmotivated, because it must be said, online classes are not like in-presence. Despite the initial difficulties I did not get demoralized and this made me reflect. There may be complicated periods but now I am confident that I will be able to deal with them."

Julian: "As for me, the crucial point was undoubtedly the university. Like Eleonora, I had to move and had technical problems related to the Internet. Later it got better, and I projected my mindset toward a positive outlook. I feel fortunate in that I was able to continue my studies.

Laura: "My lockdown was very complicated initially. The amount of time had increased but with it also the tasks to be done. I feel like saying that it was not at all easy to get organized. Fortunately, taking classes online was less difficult than expected; it is true that we found ourselves doing everything in a hurry, but, at the same time, without stress.

  • To this day, there is a common thought emerging that college is obsolete and that the educational experience is out of step with the times. In your opinion, can self-study be compared to the academic path?


"I think self-taught education is not comparable to the possible university path. In fact, attending university is not just about "studying," it is an experience that shapes us young people socially as well. The academic years teach us how to live, how to expand our network of contacts and how to seize opportunities for the future.

I am very passionate about the subjects I study at my university, this was one of the reasons that led me to enroll in the university. I was interested in embarking on a path full of challenges, and I am sure that one day my sacrifices will pay off. I hope my path will help me find the job I want."

  • Forbes, in 2019, compiled the Global Innovation Index, which is the top 20 most innovative countries in the world. Italy is not included in that ranking, what do you think is the reason for this gap?


"Unfortunately, we find ourselves in 28th place. It is not only a question of numbers, but also of mentality and willingness to get involved. The biggest mistake was missing the chance to experiment with the innovations that existed. italy has a valuable heritage: culture, art, tourism, fashion and food, but often, it decides not to strengthen services, even starting with small things. The country is held back by political instability and little spending invested in education, but it is also true that a good majority of the population agrees that there are credit-related determinants.

We should take an example from Switzerland, which has been first in the ranking for 10 years already without any particular problems. Here, the factors of "knowledge and technology production," "products of creativity" and "business sophistication" are the flagships for being competitive.

In Italy we have to deal with the sometimes missing "role of institutions" and little stability of the political and operational environment. But all is not lost... For "production of creativity" with industrial design at the head we are really very good. What can we say... Let us therefore make our potential count. The Digital Innovation Days will reiterate this concept, we must be hungry for knowledge and innovation even more than in the past.

  • Very few students choose to work in addition to college. You, on the other hand, are pursuing several projects. Where does your resourcefulness come from? And why do many students choose to finish college to put what they study into practice?


"I am convinced that to learn anything well, practice is the most effective strategy. You have to put your hands in the dough right from the start, not to excel or to achieve results right away but to improve. Unfortunately, in Italy, there is a different conception in this regard. People prefer to finish their studies and then start working. I think you have to do everything simultaneously. And don't be afraid either to make mistakes or to fail.

The market gives too many uncertainties and young people believe they can find them in study and achieve a linear path without having to expose themselves too much. The dream of the fixed job has generated many illusions, but work is currently flexible.

The projects I undertook gave me the opportunity to develop skills that universities don't teach you: working in a team, managing the stress of a deliverable, public speaking, increasing entrepreneurial attitudes, negotiating, contracting, and organizing events. I now work in a startup (I work in marketing and communications) of which I am also one of the founders.

  • In the face of the restart, both companies and many people have decided to set goals, both short-term and long-term, to stop wasting time and be able to make a fresh start. What are your biggest goals, both short-term and long-term? And why did you choose these two in particular?


"The short-term goal is to graduate with a degree in Public Relations and continue training through online courses. In the long term, I want to enter the working world and at the same time attend a master's program that will allow me to expand my knowledge. I have chosen these goals because in the current work environment, there is a lot of competition and university preparation alone is not enough to stand out from the crowd. You have to have skills and stay current."

Now that you have read the interview, we suggest you follow the DigitalAperiTalks, live from September 22 on Didays' social channels. Where some of our Brand Ambassadors will conduct a short interview with our moderators and speakers in the halls.

Don't miss the event the whole country is waiting for. Buy your promo ticket, click on digitalinnovationdays

Marilia Tavares
Brand Ambassador DIDAYS20


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